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Meet the meat that makes for a Burns Night treat. Robert Burns is forever the honoree of Burns Night on January 25th. But the real star of the evening is the haggis. This traditional Scottish pudding is cooked in a sheep’s stomach and served to reverent guests at the Burns Night feast, as the Burns epic poem “Ode to a Haggis” is read at the table. It’s at this point that a freshly-sharpened knife is produced, and plunged into the haggis to spill its savory delights. The meal is then plated with a side of neeps and tatties (turnips & taters) as guests raise a glass of whisky and toast the dinner. Traditional haggis is illegal to make in the US, but you can find an alternative recipe on our guide page.

Meet the meat that makes for a Burns Night treat.

Robert Burns is forever the honoree of Burns Night on January 25th. But the real star of the evening is the haggis.

This traditional Scottish pudding is cooked in a sheep’s stomach and served to reverent guests at the Burns Night feast, as the Burns epic poem “Ode to a Haggis” is read at the table.

It’s at this point that a freshly-sharpened knife is produced, and plunged into the haggis to spill its savory delights. The meal is then plated with a side of neeps and tatties (turnips & taters) as guests raise a glass of whisky and toast the dinner.

Traditional haggis is illegal to make in the US, but you can find an alternative recipe on our guide page.

Will you be the skillful knifer who slices into Burns Night dinner? Make sure you have a real Sport Kilt dagger by your side:
